3 Post-Workout Meals to Boost Your Body’s Recovery

3 Post-Workout Meals to Boost Your Body’s Recovery


We all talk about the perfect pre-workout meal, but what about the food you eat after exercising?


During an intense workout, you’re tearing muscle fibers so that they’ll repair and be stronger. You need to eat a post-workout meal that has both protein and carbohydrates to get the most out of that hard work at the gym. Be sure to eat it quickly–having a recovery meal 30 minutes or less after you stop exercising is ideal.


After a great workout, try one of these well-rounded meals that I love to get your muscles recovering, fast:



  • Scrambled eggs, spinach, and whole wheat bread



Whereas egg whites are an ideal pre-workout food, the whole egg is a good food for after exercise. The nutrients found in egg yolks, such as vitamin B-12, phosphorus, and vitamins A, D, E, and K, can help with recovery. So, eat both the whites and the yolk after an intense gym session to get the full benefits that eggs have to offer.


Spinach is a superfood containing many great nutrients, but namely potassium and magnesium, which help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue. Whole wheat or multigrain bread provides the complex carbohydrates that you need in any good post-workout meal.


Tip: If you’re focusing on fat loss, go for two egg whites and one whole egg in your scramble. This gives you the all nutrients while cutting back on calories, fat, and cholesterol.



  • Chicken, whole wheat pasta, and steamed broccoli



If you have time to sit down for a large meal, a dish of pasta, chicken breast, and broccoli will make you feel satisfied after a tough workout. I go for whole wheat pasta to keep my energy level up, get the complex carbohydrates I need, and maximize fat loss.


Chicken breast is a lean animal protein that adds the important vitamin B-12 to this meal. Broccoli contributes a much-needed serving of vegetables, plus vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, iron, and other nutrients. I recommend that you eat broccoli after a workout, not before, because it can be hard to digest.



  • Smoothie or shake with fruit, yogurt or milk, and protein powder



If you can’t stomach savory foods after exercise, go for a naturally sweet smoothie. Fruit like bananas and berries contain complex carbohydrates, as well as several beneficial nutrients and antioxidants. Yogurt or milk will provide protein and calcium to your smoothie while making it more filling so that you feel satisfied. To further boost the protein level in your smoothie, throw in a serving of your favorite protein powder. This is an easy way to bring up your protein intake for the day, which will improve the body’s recovery.


If you’re not putting thought into the foods you eat after exercise, you’re not getting the full benefit of your workout. The meal ideas listed above will allow your body to recover and get ready to hit the gym tomorrow at full force.

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